The Federal Government of Nigeria has announced its plan to phase out completely, all old versions of Yellow card and...
Read moreDetailsUNAIDS and UNDP today released a list of 48 countries with HIV-related travel restrictions. UNAIDS and the United Nations Development...
Read moreDetailsUNAIDS and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund) have signed a strategic framework for cooperation...
Read moreDetailsHealth authorities rolled out a polio campaign yesterday in Puntland and Somaliland to vaccinate more than 940 000 children under...
Read moreDetailsThis week, reported the spread of the Ebola virus disease to Uganda. The index patient, a 5-year-old child from...
Read moreDetailsThe Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization (WHO) have confirmed a case of Ebola Virus Disease in Uganda....
Read moreDetailsInternational organisation Rotary has announced a new donation of $10.2 million to support the eradication of polio in Nigeria. Nigeria...
Read moreDetailsAlgeria, a country in North Africa, was today certified malaria-free by the World Health Organisation (WHO). The certification is granted...
Read moreDetailsTrials with people with newly-diagnosed colorectal and non-small cell lung cancer suggest that whole body MRI could reduce the time...
Read moreDetailsTo address vaccination challenges in the ongoing Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), WHO’s Strategic Advisory...
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