Nigeria has one of the world's maternal and child health indices. Could this initiative change all that? Tola Oladimeji reports...
Read moreDetailsMany people know that junk foods are bad but few are aware of their real impacts on health A lot...
Read moreDetailsOn Monday January 1, 2018, Henrietta H. Fore will succeed Anthony Lake as UNICEF Executive Director when his term ends...
Read moreDetailsIn Nigeria, the word 'HIV/AIDS' is more dangerous than the virus. Why is this so? John Amhanesi explains The label...
Read moreDetails33 years on, HIV vaccine remains elusive. Tola Oladimeji reports The HIV virus was first confirmed in 1984 as the...
Read moreDetailsOn #WorldAIDSDay, we focus on how HIV-positive women can now have HIV-free babies. Perinatal transmission of HIV/AIDS is the transfer...
Read moreDetailsWe went on the streets and asked Nigerians what they know about #WorldAIDSDay In a bid to know how much...
Read moreDetailsWondering how Nigeria has performed in the fight against HIV/AIDS? Anagbara Jolly breaks down the data... Nigeria has the second...
Read moreDetailsPharmacist Ekomobong Hanson is the new president of Young Pharmacists Group-Nigeria Pharmacist Ekomobong Hanson has been elected and sworn in...
Read moreDetailsSpeaking to HealthNews.NG in Lagos, Dr Jibola says public toilets are a saving grace for many Nigerians A medical doctor...
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