In the heart of Nairobi, a team of dedicated researchers is poised to revolutionize maternal healthcare, potentially reshaping the future of pregnancy outcomes for women. Led by Dr. Moses Obimbo Madadi, a Clinician-Scientist and Associate Professor at the University of Nairobi, this groundbreaking project is shedding light on the intricate relationship between vaginal infections, reproductive health, and neonatal mortality rates in Africa, where 27 deaths per 1,000 live births remain a stark reality.
What has been established so far is that vaginal infections, including Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), can hold grave implications for women’s reproductive health and pregnancy outcomes. Yet, comprehensive research has been frustratingly elusive. Dr. Madadi and his team argue they are changing that narrative by harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and next-generation sequencing technology.
Using cutting-edge tools like Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) machines and the Illumina MiSeq sequencer, they are diving deep into the mysterious world of the vaginal microbiome. Their mission: to unravel how the microbial communities in a woman’s vagina can influence pregnancy outcomes.
This research isn’t just a first for Kenya; it’s at the forefront of global efforts to improve pregnancy outcomes. The potential impact is profound. It promises not only faster and less invasive testing at the point of care but also more effective therapeutic treatments.
Imagine a simple urine test that could diagnose and treat vaginal infections on the spot, reducing risks to both mother and baby while cutting the cost of treatment. The dream is to make this a reality.
Hidden Dangers: Vaginal Infections in Pregnancy
One of the stark challenges is that testing for vaginal infections is not routine during prenatal examinations. Often, healthcare providers only screen for symptomatic infections or conditions like syphilis, leaving asymptomatic infections, such as bacterial vaginosis, overlooked. Yet, data suggests that up to 73% of women may harbor these asymptomatic infections, silently wreaking havoc on pregnancy and gynecological health.
Left untreated, these infections can lead to miscarriages, preterm birth, foetal growth restriction, premature rupture of the membranes, stillbirth, and even endometriosis or infertility for the mother. The consequences are dire.
The existing diagnostic methods aren’t without their flaws either. Vaginal swabs, the conventional approach, are invasive and necessitate follow-up visits to receive results and treatment. These return trips become financial and logistical burdens for patients, resulting in crucial treatment delays.
In rural Kenya, where nearly 90 percent of women seek antenatal care, many wait until the second or third trimester for their first visit, making it too late for effective intervention.

The Journey to Improved Pregnancy Outcomes
Dr. Madadi said his research spans five years and includes screening and monitoring over 1,500 women across six medical facilities in Kenya. They’re tracking pregnancies from the first trimester through birth, meticulously studying live births and outcomes of interest, such as preterm or stillbirths.
As they forge ahead, they’re not only delving into the microbial mysteries but also working with computational biology doctoral students to develop AI models that can predict at-risk pregnancies, allowing for early interventions.
Moreover, their collaboration with the international Vaginal Microbiome Research Consortium (VMRC) signals a commitment to broadening the global understanding of vaginal microbiota stability and its implications for disease and adverse gestational outcomes.
A Vision for the Future
Dr. Madadi said his vision extends beyond research. The team aims to raise awareness about the critical link between vaginal infections, including STIs, and pregnancy outcomes. They envision a future where communities and healthcare workers prioritize the detection of vaginal infections as a standard pillar of prenatal care.
By identifying predictive biomarkers for adverse pregnancy outcomes, they said they’re not only striving to improve the reproductive health of women in Kenya but also offering a beacon of hope for women worldwide. Their work promises to arm health officials with more effective intervention strategies, paving the way for healthier pregnancies and brighter futures for mothers and their newborns.
In a world where maternal health disparities persist, Dr. Madadi believes his research is a beacon of hope, offering the promise of safer pregnancies for women everywhere.